Timed Route Approaches for Production Planning with Time Constraints
Benjamin Anthouard  1, 2@  , Stéphane Dauzere-Peres  3@  , Quentin Christ  1@  , Renaud Roussel  1@  
1 : STMicroelectronics [Crolles]
STMicroelectronics (FRANCE)
2 : Département Sciences de la Fabrication et Logistique
CMP-GC, Mines Saint-Etienne, Univ Clermont Auvergne, CNRS, UMR 6158 LIMOS, Institut Henri Fayol, F - 42023 Saint-Etienne, France
3 : Département Sciences de la Fabrication et Logistique  (SFL-ENSMSE)
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, CMP-GC
880, route de Mimet 13541 GARDANNE - FRANCE -  France

Semiconductor manufacturing processes are probably the most complex manufacturing processes in the world. They are characterized by long cycle times, a very large number of operations (more than 1,000 for some product routes) that require hundreds of different machines to process a large volume of wafers constantly circulating in the manufacturing facility, called fabs. The notion of time constraints increases the complexity of the management of semiconductor fabs. These time constraints are defined between two processing steps (consecutive or not), where a lot must respect a maximum time between these two processing steps to ensure the quality of the wafers in the lot. A time constraint might "cover" more than 20 operations. 

This work focuses on the integration of time constraints and practical considerations in tactical production planning using the notion of timed routes and the column generation approach to take industrial constraints, including time constraints, into account. Moreover, industrial instances are used to validate the proposed approach.

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